I've been trying to get a hold of my cousin in Dubai for a week now to coordinate my trip to visit her. She moved to Dubai a little while ago with her new husband, who I've met only once before. She told me she uses Skype under some name so I keep harassing the account that turns out to be her husbands. Tonite, he finally responds that it's his account. Despite the constant IMs and whatever u can do on Skype to harass people, he was nice enough to invite me to visit them at the end of my trip. He starts to ask me how India is going and if I have a delhi belly. Well, all I know about delhi belly is probably the effect of eating so much good, greasy Indian food. I am actually little sensitive about my new India pouch. So I proceed to defend the little weight I've gained by letting him know that I promise to lose it before I visit. In fact, I am going to put it in check so I don't take too much room in their apartment. He seemed to think it was important that I lose it too. I mean I realized he was joking but I am also thinking to myself jeez new cousin-n-law is a little bit of a fatist (against people with big bellies). So I go home tonite and off course the chef has made this amazing delicious (fattening) Indian meal. I am seating there with all my housemates guiltily eating the food and sulking. I start telling them how, I got to watch it with the food because people are asking me about my delhi belly. That's when Jen says "Um, your delhi belly? You know what that it is right?" If you don't know what delhi belly is, it's too gross for me to describe it but I found a
tame definition of it. I almost lost my belly from laughing tonite thinking of the chat I had with him. The last thing I said was I hope they have room for me and my delhi belly. I hope I am still invited to stay with them. This is the funniest chat conversation, I've had so I had to share it.
[8:38:27 PM] SN says: watch out for delhi-belly
[8:38:34 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: OMG u call it
[8:38:39 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: its here and in effect
[8:38:48 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: i am on a carb and grease diet
[8:38:51 PM] SN says: no more description needed
[8:39:03 PM] N says: but thanks for sharing
[8:39:09 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: ha ha
[8:39:23 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: yea i hope u guys have room for me and the belly
[8:39:42 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: i'll have to get into control by next month
[8:39:50 PM] SN says: delhi-belly is an expression usd for eshal-e shadid-e hendi
[8:40:13 PM] SN says: do plz do try to get it in check by the time u visit!
[8:40:33 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: ha ha
[8:40:46 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: i will gonna tonite
[8:41:11 PM] SN says: take care. look fwd to seeing u here
[8:41:15 PM] Sherry Zarabi says: k i will stop harrasing u on skype
[8:41:30 PM] SN says: good talking to ya
I mean he even tried to explain it to me by spelling it phoentically in Farsi and I still didn't get what he was talking about. So here is my attempt to set the record straight that I am house broken.